Wednesday, January 31, 2007


If you are older then 13 you have no right to be saying whatever. Today on a business call talking to a woman who was at least 50, she said "whatever" at least 3 times.

"You know you can just call back or whatever."

Seriouly lady if you can't communitcate above a 7th grade level I won't be calling you back at all.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

One Fish, Two Fish

Cardinal Roger Mahoney is a voice of reason in the Catholic Church. Mahoney created quite a bit of controversy by actually recognizing gay Catholics. His Ministry with Lesbian and Gay Catholics was starting in 1986.

“MLGC has as its primary goal "to foster a spirit of community and fellowship among gay Catholics so that they can offer and receive mutual support in living our their lives of faith with the Church." (Archbishop Roger Mahony, (2-2-86).”

Most of the more liberal Catholic Churches in his archdiocese have gay and lesbian groups. For the 20th anniversary of the group the Cardinal has issued a pin that has combined a rainbow flag with the ancient Christian symbol of a fish.

Needless to say the more conservative wing of the church is very unhappy about this and is screaming to the Vatican to get Mahoney stopped. So far the screams have gone unanswered. Finally there is a high profile person within the church who is willing to put their neck out to help cause change.

A Link to the Los Angeles Archdiocese information about the pins is below.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Daddy, I Wanna Go Home.

I have only a small group of friends who I love dearly. Most of my friends are people I have known for years some since childhood. In most cases I know my friends entire families as well. In stark contrast as with most things in our relationship E knows every gay person in greater New England, the Eastern Provinces of Canada, and parts of Toronto.

This means that any time we go out we may be joined by any number of his 30 closest friends. Now, I am learning to be a go with the flow kind of guy which is has been a new experience for me to say the least, but it hasn’t been with out a few bumps in the road. When you break down E’s friends they fall into two categories one he named the “preppy bears” and the other I named the “dirty bears”.

The “preppy bears” are more clean cut, interesting, well informed and interesting. They don’t take the whole bear thing all that seriously and are fun to spend an evening hanging out with. The “dirty bears” are well dirty. The de facto leader of this group is a major thorn in my side who told E he shouldn’t be dating me because he didn’t sleep with enough people in between relationships. I have made a promise to E that I wouldn’t start an argument with the “dirty bear” leader unless I was directly provoked.

The preppy group has an annual group trip to Montreal. This year E has invited me as his guest. Montreal with E sounds like it would be a good time, Montreal with E and 10 of his closest friends all staying in the same guesthouse, not so fun. I don’t want to be the stick in the mud and I want E to have fun with his friends I just have a feeling this is going to turn into one of those whinny five year olds who’s parents are dragging them around Disney World to makes sure they get their moneys worth when the kid would have been just as happy watching the Little Mermaid on DVD for 400th time.

What doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger. Right?

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Innocence Mission - Black Sheep Wall

I Should Know Better

“I am thinking about going to see Volver tonight.”

“What’s that?”

“The new Pedro Almodovar movie with Penelope Cruz, do you like foreign films?”

“Yeah, I liked Fargo and European Vacation.”

Monday, January 08, 2007


So we’re here and it’s 2007. I think I am having the beginning of a midlife crisis. Life just isn’t where I would like it be. I’m not sure how to make the changes I need to in order to make it better, but I am going to try.

First on the list is going to cutting out Dunkin Donuts. This is going to be particularly difficult. I know it does nothing but make my middle bigger while clogging my arteries it’s just so hard to get up the extra few minutes to make a proper breakfast. I think what I should do is just stock my office with breakfast food. That should make the transition a bit easier.

Secondly more exercise. I know I have said this before but this time I need to do something. At a doctor’s appointment in November I was diagnosed with pre-hypertension. Not the end of the world but instead of my doctor telling me to loose weight which has been the recommended course of action in the past she put me on medication. After being on the medication for a little less than a moth I stopped taking it. The medicine made me fell like a woman in menopause. All of the sudden my face would get extremely hot, start to sweat, and my heart would race. That isn’t something I’m willing to live with and of course loosing weight is just a good idea in general.

Thirdly, find a new place to live. The suburbs just suck. The only good thing about living in the town I live in is there are better places to bike. These places are only marginally better than places in the city and they are places only a short car ride away for any more urban area.

Forth and final, Cut it down to one job. I just need to find a way to do it. The extra money is nice but it’s slowly killing me. It’s affecting my relationship which isn’t want I want to happen and ultimately it’s not making me happy.

So there you have it some plans for 2007. I am usually not one for resolutions, but maybe I was wrong about that.